niedziela, 29 listopada 2015

A man with a big heart - the interview with Krzysztof Niemiec

We had a special guest at our Club - Krzysztof Niemiec, the chairman of the “Open Door Foundation”. We could ask him a few questions and here is the result of our meeting...

Crazy Little Monsters: Why did you set up the Foundation?

Krzysztof Niemiec: To integrate disabled and heaalthy children. It's the palce where children can come after school and imporove their talents and passions. 

Crazy Little Monsters: What does the Foundation do?

Krzysztof Niemiec: The foundation runs the club called "INICJATYfKA". We employ instructors who teach English, sewing, art and crafts. We organise parties for children.

Crazy Little Monsters: Who can be a volunteer?

Krzysztof Niemiec: Everyone who is, at least, 18. Or a person who is 16 and has his or her parents' permission. We need people who really want to help others. 

Crazy Little Monsters: What's your favourite place in Zielone Góra

Krzysztof Niemiec: I like many places in Zielona Góra. I like our club ("INICJATYfKA"), the Old Town (Rynek), the Palmhouse (Palmiarnia) and the swimming pool.

Crazy Little Monsters: Have you got a pet?

Krzysztof Niemiec: Yes, I've got a cat, Anastazja. She is very nasty.

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